here something to think about, Jehovahs witnesses are to avoid books written by christians. they are basically the same as being written by satan himself. the watchtower in broklyn publish the watchtower and JW books. why do all the JW books have references to christian books and authors to back thier teachings I saw in a recent watchtower that someone gave me about maricals and they state a recent study that was doon by a christian organisation. why is the faithful and discreet slave reading and quoting christian books and authors and bible scholars. Why would the Faithfull and dicreet slave use the westcott and hort text to write their bible. (shouldent it come from God himself since he so called established this organisation that started with a bible study in pensalvania ( see reasoning from the scripture) Westcott and Hort were false prophets see matthew 7: 16 what fruit have they produced 1 men dont believe the word of god like they did before thier teachings 2 they cause confusion God is not the author of Confusion 1 cor 14 3 just have a bilbe study with everyone with a different translation (result is confusion)4 they distroyed unity in the church after thier teachings now the church does not agree about any one translation that is the most accurate 5 they have cause men to depart from the faith giving heed to suducing spirits and doctrines of devils (there are many videos of those who have went to Islam or became agnostic because of thier teachings
king james bible believer
JoinedPosts by king james bible believer
Who really is the faithful and discreet slave?
by Maxee inwhen we think of the governing body in brooklyn do others like myself automtically think of them as the faithful and discreet slave?
haven't we been taught that they run the organisation known as the watchtower and bible tract society?
now its looks like i personally may have been wrong.. is it run by a group of legal rofessionals.
I lost my pet today...
by tooktheredpill inshe was a 12 year old maltese.
the best pet in the world.
my wife and i never had kids, so she was our only daughter.
king james bible believer
animals have souls so they are created to be eternal. You will see your pet again if you have repented and excepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. The same reason why god created man to live forever. The animal human relationships are gods way of showing us that we were created to live forever because we have such a short time with them. (same way that God has a short time with us, that is why all men were created to be eternal. God is a just so he created a eternal punishment for man as well that would last forever , because people like hitler. it would be unfair and god would be unjust for those murdered in cold blood at his command for him to not any more after death than to suffer an eternal punishment